Friday, February 5, 2010

Cockgrinding is an art form. Really.

I'd like to say.

If you can rub a guy's crotch and within 7- 12  minutes help him jizz himself without actually touching him, then that right there is talent.

Not all guys, but a lot of them come* into the club looking for a little stress release.
We call it
"Get Off  Night"

For everybody else, that is Tuesdays, and Sundays.

Seriously, folks.  Guys have it SOOOO good. 

They can walk in to a nudie bar, have a drink, get a few dances, jizz themselves, and then go home like nothing ever happened.

How great is THAT?  All done in UNDER AN HOUR.

And for all you people who want to know the secret of our Johnny Come Latelys* (or earlys depending how you look at it)  it's best to come* in at a weird hour.  7-8-9 PM that's a good time, as it's kind of slow on the weekends during those hours.

Or anytime, on Sundays or Tuesdays.     Your best bet is to have the dances when there aren't a lot of people getting them.  This ensures the bouncer won't come* over every two minutes* and ruin 'naughty time'.

 Those are almost the best kind of customers.  Almost. 
They're easy to deal with, and fun, and they are willing to pay you in cash.

As long as the Oscar Myer Wiener stays in it's package, we're good!

Here's a little tribute to all my Johnny Come* Latelys with a video from Lonely Island.

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