Friday, January 29, 2010

Priorities, Unemployment, and the Trickle Down Stripper Factor

As you may know, in this country we spend excessive amounts of money to fight wars.
The War on Terrorism, for instance is just like the War on Drugs, and just like the generic WAR ON _______ (place noun there) it's generally just a nuisance and costs more money to fight this 'war'-- and gets us nowhere. Do we ever really win?
I don't think we do.

Back to the 'gets us nowhere' part. Yes, it gets us, meaning 'us'- the average American nowhere, but if you look at war-profiteering companies like Haliburton, and others, they actually get somewhere. Billions of dollars of somewhere- to be exact. 'Rich' is their destination, and for us, eh, not so much.

It certainly doesn't get the soldiers anywhere, other than deployed and then dead.
(Hopefully not, but it does happen.) My time in the club tells me that most of these young guys join the military because they 'can't get a job', or 'don't want to be a loser', or 'need money for college'. None have ever told me they 'want to fight a war' or 'kill people'. Not one. It always revolves around a job/money/college/not being a loser issue.

Priorities, priorities!

Mkay, now let's go back to the part about getting a job. Any young/old person in this country should technically be able to get one. And then be able to afford some type of education.... But, that's not happening. Most people are actually losing their jobs, and getting laid off, and so on. Some people have spent thousands on education to do their jobs, and are finding out there aren't any. Now they're stuck with loans they can't pay back. (This might ring a bell as right now the US owes 800- Billion dollars to China.) Regular people are losing their jobs, and then losing their homes too. And for the most part, MOST, if NONE of this is ANY of their faults.


Then, what happens is, the government sides with the BANKS who then take the homes of the TAXPAYERS that are essentially funding wars that cost too much money,and rack up debt for the United States, and then those people end up living with their parents, or already do*. (since their aging parents don't have jobs now, or can't retire due to their 401k shitting the bed, or some reason along that line.)
But alas, Uncle Sam wants you to pay up! For one I don't want to owe anyone anything, never mind 800 billion to China. I did not have part in creating the debt but my kids have to pay it back? How does that work, exactly?


My theory is that if you are not directly involved with a war profiteering group like a Haliburton, or a gun company, or a Blackwater, or just a guy in the military, you will either be out of a job/homeless/broke or severely struggling, like we all are now. Sometimes those who find a different calling can succeed, and as Americans we are resilient. But how long can we continue to be so, while our government obviously doesn't give two shits about it's own? Iraq and war, socialist healthcare, and all that stuff are the HIGHEST PRIORITY. The Average American, well, we're not really on the 'priority' list.

Where do strippers fit in?

Well, as you can see in the chart I've provided is during an era of Clinton, people actually had money. The Average JOE had money. They had money to spend on fun things like strippers. Strippers were indeed a priority during the Clinton era. Not sure if it's in direct relation to his blow job activity or not, but who knows?
And if guys had money to throw around at naked chicks, they probably had some for the wife and kids too. More family vacations, more visits to the spa, and so on.

Now most customers are coming in, complaining about being broke/laid off/unemployed/ etc. You name it. It doesn't matter the age, even the older guys don't have it. And believe me, there is nothing more offensive to dancers than a troupe of 40 somethings sitting around the club trying to chat us up, but yet having NO MONEY. (You can see photos of this on this blog to be exact.)

Well, if you don't have money, one of the places you SHOULDN'T be is a strip club.*
We understand it's not your fault. But if you don't tip, or buy dances, then WE are UNEMPLOYED as well, so it's a big trickle down effect.
No offense but I don't want to sit and listen to you complain about having no money while I'm at work trying to make some. Can you say 'conundrum'?

Instead, perhaps we should take a good look at who and what is benefiting from all this war/excessive spending/bailouts and so on, Mkay?

People are not in control of their country, it's spending, and their own economy.
This is bad, it's wrong, and for the USA it's a damn shame.
Giving handouts to people that break our laws is another no-no, but our government seems to think that's ok too.

Instead of coming into the strip bar, and complaining to us, look to the people you 'elected into office' to run the show, mkay? Strippers are here to make your night better/ sexually harass you for cash/ listen to your problems/ drink with you for um, cash and so on.

If you don't have a job, it's not our fault. Don't get mad when we ask you for a dance! Write your congressman, senator, and the president. The one who promised
'change'. Ask where the 'bailout' money is, ask the FED why there are no checks and balances, and ask your leaders who line their pockets on the side from lobbyists why all this stuff is going on? Where is the 'change' we were promised?

As it seems today, the only change we have is what's left in our pockets, with some fuzz and an old piece of gum.

I'm an American. I'm a stripper. I'm a citizen. I'm a taxpayer.

I shouldn't have to be THIS BROKE all the time.

There are NO EXCUSES anymore for letting the absolute mess this country is in to perpetuate ANY FURTHER.

My list of priorities.

1. Get out of Iraq and do not spend any more in that country.

2. Get out of Afghanistan, and do not spend any more money in that country.
(no blood for oil)

3. Take all the money we'd be saving, and spend it on AMERICA, to get OUR house in order.

4. If banks are fucking up, DO NOT BAIL THEM OUT. TOO BAD.
If 'MR. HAPPY'S HOT DOGS' go out of business because they food poison the customers, then SO BE IT. It's BAD BUSINESS. If you want to keep your strip club customers coming* back for more you don't spill drinks on their crotches or get lipstick on their collars!

5. No more WELFARE for those who come ILLEGALLY. Sorry but I don't get how someone who BREAKS THE LAW is entitled to more than me, as I PAY through my ass* to live here. This says, "ANYONE WHO BREAKS THE LAW COME AND GET FREE CARE AND FOOD AND COLLEGE.... (chow bell rings) ding ding ding!"
That makes SO much sense, doesn't it? Give lawbreakers rewards, while struggling CITIZENS get fucked up the ass.
I work with a lot of illegals who get all benefits, plus then work at the club and take even more money, don't pay taxes, and puts a severe drain on the system. I know plenty of LEGAL immigrants who work hard and are awesome people here and DIDN'T BREAK THE LAW. How's that?

6. 3 strikes and you're out! If a GOV. official fucks the American people over by making bad decisions for the American People more than 3 times, you're out!!
Buh- Bye!

7. I don't know what 7 should be. I can't think of anything clever to put here,
so I won't.

Hopefully you can see how when we let others determine our priorities, especially those who don't have our best interests at heart, what can happen.
We end up unemployed. Broke. And whining about it, because nobody paid attention*
Hitler came to power too, because nobody paid attention.

Priorities.... hmmmf.

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